
Missing Children in India

The missing children in India and the findings are shocking and disheartening.  According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 77535 children were reported to go missing in India in 2021. With 43,816 children remaining untraced from the previous years, the total number of missing children has increased to 1,21,351. One of the primary reasons for this alarming statistic is the prevalence of child trafficking in India. Children are often kidnapped and sold off to be used for child labour, forced prostitution, or even organ trade. Moreover, there is a strong correlation between poverty and missing children in India, as children from economically weaker backgrounds are more vulnerable to being trafficked or abducted. The situation is further worsened by the lack of a comprehensive database of missing children in the country, which makes it challenging to track them down and reunite them with their families. Despite the existence of the 'TrackChild' portal, a national databa
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